Every relationship experiences challenges at one time or another. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.
Many couples get stuck in their struggles and just can't work out their differences on their own.
Such differences are not the issue, the real issue is how you're dealing with your differences.
Relationship issues that go on unresolved will eventually lead to relationship breakdown. In the event of relationship breakdown it will be a lot harder to work through issues that have been left to fester for a long time.
Coming for couples counselling is not a sign of weakness or failure. It's a sign that you care enough about your relationship to make positive changes that will sustain you both and help you thrive not only together, but in your daily life.
A secure connection along with a sense of the other person being accessible, responsive and engaged can transform your love relationships. Partners who can openly reach and connect with each other can create a safe space or couple bubble. This kind of bond promotes growth and resilience in both partners.